Mr Birmingham; on Midlands Fashion Week and Disorder Boutique by Joshua Williams, the current Mr Birmingham

Mr Birmingham; on Midlands Fashion Week and Disorder Boutique

by Joshua Williams, the current Mr Birmingham

I was recently given the wonderful opportunity of hosting Midlands Fashion Week 2015! At first I must admit I was a bit worried as, other than my own fashion show, I had never hosted such a large event. Having walked in the event at it's previous edition, I was terrified but excited to be able to play such a prominent role in it from the opposite side.

The night showcased several designers ranging from Arabic inspired to our very own Kiss Me Kate and each were spectacular in their own right. Despite a few malfunctions and a few silences where I had to entertain the guests with my 'comedic approach', the show was a huge success and everyone involved performed incredibly. It was a brilliant night and I was so glad that I got to share it with all of those involved!

As well as the show, it was great to be able to catch up with my fantastic sponsors over at Disorder Boutique. Having kindly taking part in the show at the last minute, the brand was definitely one that stood out from the crowd. The crisp-cut designs and intricate tailoring makes it something completely different to any other alternative male designer.

After first meeting the Disorder brand at the Midlands Fashion Awards pre-show, they have now become great friends of mine and I am very happy to be able to work alongside them. I am very excited to be wearing some of their designs over coming events as well as shooting an editorial for them with my good friend Juliet Pea very soon. For those of you that love unique garments hand crafter to perfection, is the store for you! Mr Birmingham!

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