The Red Tartan Empire Skirt by Disorder. We handcraft every skirt individually in our Birmingham, UK studio. We use high quality red cotton/viscose tartan cloth to make this skirt.
After you place your order, we will make up your skirt, totally bespoke to your particular requirements. A lengthy process we lay and cut the fabric individually for every garment. Next, the same skilled tailor, will conscientiously make up your skirt, from start to finish. We believe all these steps are important as they ensure our clothing retain an authentic artisan feel. As a result, you will receive the best product possible, with design and manufacturing integrity. Fundamentally, this is inline with our slow fashion ethos. The Red Tartan Empire Jacket and matching skirt, are part of our new collection.
Disorder has received many accolades over the years, most notably from Mary Portas. Awarding Disorder, The Mary Portal Award for Best retailer. On visiting the store, she said we were the cleverest store and brand she had seen in years. Comparing our label to Vivian Westwood and Alexander Macqueen. Furthermore, she went on to say “Disorder do stuff even the high end brands don’t do”. The Disorder Red Tartan Empire Jacket and matching skirt design are a fusion of Japanese styling, Italian cut and subversive British twist. It pays homage to Vivienne Westwoods punk aesthetic.
Disorder Slow fashion brand
In order to ensure our customers receive a high quality, unique ‘slow fashion’ garment. Disorder has created their own vertically integrated, sustainable, fashion ecosystem. We believe this is important at it allows us to fully trace our garments provenance. Subsequently giving our customers the confidence that we make each Disorder garment as ethical and sustainable as possible.
You can rely on Disorders slow fashion credentials because ethical standards are upheld along the whole of the supply chain. We also make as many of our garments in house as possible. The reason is simple, as this is the best way to ensure the quality of our garments, by keeping a close eye on how they are made.
Disorder background
Disorder was established in Birmingham, UK in 1998, with sustainability at our core. The idea for the label came out of our love of the nineties dance scene combined with the desire to put our ideals and ideas into practice. We applied our academic roots, in politics, anthropology, international development and fine art, into a sustainable business. Disorder was hence born out of a need to bring experimental clothing to the blossoming late ninties UK club scene. Disorder’s style is a fusion between oriental styling, Italian cut, with a subversive British edge.
Fashion Forward Future Classic
We like to describe our designs as ‘Fashion Forward Future Classic’. Their design is timeless never in or out of fashion, they stand alone in their own right. Disorder is a slow fashion brand. This means we don’t compromise our design principles and environmental ideas, when we make our clothing. Disorder ideologically reject fast fashion, its disposable attitude towards clothing and the planet. Hence, we believe it is essential to value the clothing we design and make. Therefore, Disorder always go that extra mile when we design and make our clothing, to ensure it lasts the test of time.
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