The Disorder Black Denim Undercover Trousers are a limited edition, bespoke, sustainable and ethical made garment. Disorders’ team of skilled tailors hand craft every pair of trousers, in our Birmingham, UK based studio. We use a medium weight, high quality black denim to make these trousers. Fresh off the cutting table, Disorder will hand make these trousers especially for you, after your order. Just give us a few days, to let our skilled tailors do a quality job. Then we will get it off in the post to you.
The Black Denim Undercover Trousers
design means it looks different from every angle. Every panel is unique and different from the others. We chose to emphasis this by leaving the denim edges raw. The Undercover Trousers are designed to complement the Undercover Jacket. Its unique design make it timeless never in or out of fashion. Infact it stand alone in its own right. Which is why we like to describe our designs as ‘Fashion Forward Future Classic’.
Disorder is a slow fashion brand.
This means we don’t compromise our design principles and environmental ideas, when we make our clothing. Disorder ideologically rejects fast fashion and its disposable attitude towards clothing. It is important to value the clothing we design and make. We design and make our clothing to last. Disorder doesn’t design clothing to be thrown away. We design and make our clothing to be worn and loved. Over and over again.
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